
来源: U.S. 教育部第九章最终规则概述-指导原则

This Policy is designed to address conduct that falls within 第九条 of the Education 1972年的修正案以及其他联邦和州法律法规. 本政策涉及 2020年8月14日或之后发生的不当行为.


美国.S. 教育部第九章规定承认性骚扰, 包括性侵犯在内,都是非法的性别歧视. 美国.S. 教育部 以前只通过指导文件解决性骚扰问题,这些文件是 不具有法律约束力,不具有法律效力的. 美国.S. 部门 of Education’s regulations impose important legal obligations on school districts, colleges, and universities (collectively “schools”), requiring a prompt response to 性骚扰报告. 最终规则提高了清晰度和透明度 学校如何应对性骚扰的要求 IX so that every complainant receives appropriate support, respondents are treated as responsible only after receiving due process and fundamental fairness, and school 官员不偏不倚,不偏袒任何一方.

支持国家 & 尊重投诉人的自主权

学校 must offer free supportive measures to every alleged victim of 性骚扰 (称为“投诉”). 配套措施是个性化服务恢复 or preserve equal access to education, protect student and employee safety, or deter 性骚扰. 即使投诉人这样做,也必须提供支持性措施 不希望发起或参与申诉程序. 每种情况都是独一无二的, 每个人对性骚扰的反应都不一样. 因此,最终规则 gives complainants control over the school-level response best meeting their needs. It respects complainants’ wishes and autonomy by giving them the clear choice to file 正式申诉,与获得支持措施的权利分开. 最终规则 also provides a fair and impartial grievance process for complainants, and protects complainants from being coerced or threatened into participating in a grievance process.


最终规则 reflects core American values of equal treatment on the basis of sex, 言论自由和学术自由、正当法律程序和基本公平. 学校 必须不受性别歧视,包括性骚扰. 信访人提出的 and respondents must have strong, clear procedural rights in a predictable, transparent 申诉程序旨在达到可靠的结果. 最终规则确保了这一点 学校在遵守教育法第九条时,并不违反第一修正案的权利.


Under the Final Rule, any of the following conduct on the basis of sex constitutes 性骚扰:

  1. A school employee conditioning an educational benefit or service upon a person’s participation 不受欢迎的性行为(通常被称为“交换条件”骚扰);
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s education program or activity; or
  3. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking (as those offenses 在《韦德1946》中有明确的定义.S.C. 第1092(f)条和对妇女的暴力行为 法案,34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)).

与U一致.S. 根据最高法院的先例和教育法第九条的规定,学校必须 respond when: (1) the school has actual knowledge of 性骚扰; (2) that occurred within the school’s education program or activity; (3) against a person in the United 州. 最终规则将“实际知识”扩展到包括任何基本的注意事项 或中学雇员,并声明任何人(e.g.,据称受害人 or any third party) may report to a 第九条 Coordinator in person or by e-mail, phone, 或邮件. 《韦德1946》还规定,学校的“教育项目或活动” 包括学校实际控制的情况,以及 由学校正式认可的学生组织拥有或控制的建筑物 高等教育机构.

与U一致.S. 最高法院的先例,一所学校违反了第九条,当它 response to 性骚扰 is clearly unreasonable in light of the known circumstances, and the Final Rule adds mandatory response obligations such as offering supportive 对每位投诉人采取的措施,无论是否有正式投诉.

学校 must investigate every formal complaint (which may be filed by a complainant 或由学校的第九条协调员负责). 如果被指控的行为不属于 第九条, then a school may address the allegations under the school’s own code of 实施并提供支持性措施.


最终规则 requires schools to investigate and adjudicate formal complaints of 性骚扰 using a grievance process that incorporates due process principles, 公平对待各方,达成可靠的责任认定. 一个学校的 申诉程序必须:

  1. Give both parties written notice of the allegations, an equal opportunity to select an advisor of the party’s choice (who may be, but does not need to be, an attorney), and an equal opportunity to submit and review evidence throughout the investigation;
  2. Use trained 第九条 personnel to objectively evaluate all relevant evidence without 对争议事实的预先判断,不存在利益冲突或偏见 或反对任何一方;
  3. Protect parties’ privacy by requiring a party’s written consent before using the party’s 申诉过程中的医疗、心理或类似治疗记录;
  4. 在使用任何形式的“非正式”之前,先获得双方自愿的书面同意 resolution” process, such as mediation or restorative justice, and not use an informal 员工涉嫌性骚扰学生的过程;
  5. 应用 a presumption that the respondent is not responsible during the grievance process (often called a “presumption of innocence”), so that the school bears the burden of 正确运用证明和证据标准;
  6. 要么采用证据优势的标准,要么采用清晰可信的标准 evidence standard (and use the same standard for formal complaints against students 对于员工的正式投诉);
  7. 确保决策者与研究者或标题不是同一个人 九、协调员(一).e.没有“单一研究者模型”);
  8. For 高等教育机构s, hold a live hearing and allow cross-examination by party advisors(never by the parties personally); K-12 schools do not need to hold a hearing, but parties may submit written questions for the other parties and witnesses 回答;
  9. Protect all complainants from inappropriately being asked about prior sexual history (“强奸盾牌”保护);
  10. 向双方发送一份韦德1946责任的书面决定,说明如何承担责任 为什么决策者会得出结论;
  11. Effectively implement remedies for a complainant if a respondent is found responsible 性骚扰;
  12. 给予双方平等的申诉机会;
  13. Protect any individual, including complainants, respondents, and witnesses, from retaliation for reporting 性骚扰 or participating (or refusing to participate) in any 第九条申诉程序;
  14. Make all materials used to train 第九条 personnel publicly available on the school’s website or, if the school does not maintain a website, make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public; and
  15. 记录和保存所有性骚扰报告和调查.


Relating to sex discrimination generally, and not only to 性骚扰, the final 规定:

  1. 确认联合国.S. 教育部可能会要求学校采取补救措施 基于性别歧视或其他违反美国法律的行为.S. 部门 教育法第九条规定;
  2. Expressly state that in response to any claim of sex discrimination under 第九条, schools are never required to deprive an individual of rights guaranteed under the U.S. 宪法;
  3. 1964年民权法案第九章,第七章的相互作用, and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as the legal rights 父母或监护人代表个人行使权利的权利 第九条 rights; and
  4. Update the requirement for schools to designate and identify a 第九条 Coordinator, 传播他们的不歧视政策和第九条协调员的联系方式 information to ensure accessible channels for reporting sex discrimination (including 性骚扰),并通知学生,员工,家长,和其他人如何 school will respond to reports and complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual 骚扰).

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